What We Believe

 GOD - We believe there is one God who has revealed Himself in three distinct persons. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (The Holy Trinity).

The Bible - We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God.  We believe the bible tells the story of God's redeeming love for fallen mankind as revealed through the Son - Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ - We believe Jesus Christ is God incarnate.  Conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary.  We believe Jesus is the lone mediator between God and man.  We believe in the imminent pre-tribulation rapture of the church.  Where Jesus comes to take the church to heaven thereby escaping the Great Tribulation.  

The Holy Spirit - We believe that The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity.  He is God indwelling, instructing, empowering, guiding, and equipping the believer for godly living. He equips the believer for service in the ministry, to advance the gospel, and promote the kingdom of God.  We believe all the gifts of the Spirit are operative today. With the evidence of his indwelling presence in the believer, being a changed life.  

Justification - We believe the blood of Jesus alone atones for our sin and iniquity. Salvation is given as a gift of God's grace apart from any work of man.  It is by faith in HIS finished work on the cross that we are saved, healed, and set free from sins bondage.  

Water Baptism - We believe immersion identifies the believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. It is a public declaration symbolically depicting the old man being put to death and the rebirth of a new creation in Christ.   

Man - We believe man does NOT evolve from apes but he’s a special unique creation made in the image of God. Through the fall of Adam, mankind inherited a fallen nature and needs salvation and restoration.  

The Believer - We believe each believer must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  We believe every born-again Christian has been endowed with one or more spiritual gifts. These gifts are to be used for ministry - in - to and through the body of Christ. As such, every believer should be an active member of a local church.